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15.6.5 Looping constructs

The following macros are useful in implementing recursive algorithms in M4, including loop operations. An M4 list is formed by quoting a list of quoted elements; generally the lists are comma-separated, although m4_foreach_w is whitespace-separated. For example, the list ‘[[a], [b,c]]’ contains two elements: ‘[a]’ and ‘[b,c]’. It is common to see lists with unquoted elements when those elements are not likely to be macro names, as in ‘[fputc_unlocked, fgetc_unlocked]’.

Although not generally recommended, it is possible for quoted lists to have side effects; all side effects are expanded only once, and prior to visiting any list element. On the other hand, the fact that unquoted macros are expanded exactly once means that macros without side effects can be used to generate lists. For example,

m4_foreach([i], [[1], [2], [3]m4_errprintn([hi])], [i])
m4_define([list], [[1], [2], [3]])
m4_foreach([i], [list], [i])
Macro: m4_argn (n, [arg]…)

Extracts argument n (larger than 0) from the remaining arguments. If there are too few arguments, the empty string is used. For any n besides 1, this is more efficient than the similar ‘m4_car(m4_shiftn([n], [], [arg…]))’.

Macro: m4_car (arg…)

Expands to the quoted first arg. Can be used with m4_cdr to recursively iterate through a list. Generally, when using quoted lists of quoted elements, m4_car should be called without any extra quotes.

Macro: m4_cdr (arg…)

Expands to a quoted list of all but the first arg, or the empty string if there was only one argument. Generally, when using quoted lists of quoted elements, m4_cdr should be called without any extra quotes.

For example, this is a simple implementation of m4_map; note how each iteration checks for the end of recursion, then merely applies the first argument to the first element of the list, then repeats with the rest of the list. (The actual implementation in M4sugar is a bit more involved, to gain some speed and share code with m4_map_sep, and also to avoid expanding side effects in ‘$2’ twice).

m4_define([m4_map], [m4_ifval([$2],
  [m4_apply([$1], m4_car($2))[]$0([$1], m4_cdr($2))])])dnl
m4_map([ m4_eval], [[[1]], [[1+1]], [[10],[16]]])
⇒ 1 2 a
Macro: m4_for (var, first, last, [step], expression)

Loop over the numeric values between first and last including bounds by increments of step. For each iteration, expand expression with the numeric value assigned to var. If step is omitted, it defaults to ‘1’ or ‘-1’ depending on the order of the limits. If given, step has to match this order. The number of iterations is determined independently from definition of var; iteration cannot be short-circuited or lengthened by modifying var from within expression.

Macro: m4_foreach (var, list, expression)

Loop over the comma-separated M4 list list, assigning each value to var, and expand expression. The following example outputs two lines:

m4_foreach([myvar], [[foo], [bar, baz]],
           [echo myvar
⇒echo foo
⇒echo bar, baz

Note that for some forms of expression, it may be faster to use m4_map_args.

Macro: m4_foreach_w (var, list, expression)

Loop over the white-space-separated list list, assigning each value to var, and expand expression. If var is only referenced once in expression, it is more efficient to use m4_map_args_w.

The deprecated macro AC_FOREACH is an alias of m4_foreach_w.

Macro: m4_map (macro, list)
Macro: m4_mapall (macro, list)
Macro: m4_map_sep (macro, separator, list)
Macro: m4_mapall_sep (macro, separator, list)

Loop over the comma separated quoted list of argument descriptions in list, and invoke macro with the arguments. An argument description is in turn a comma-separated quoted list of quoted elements, suitable for m4_apply. The macros m4_map and m4_map_sep ignore empty argument descriptions, while m4_mapall and m4_mapall_sep invoke macro with no arguments. The macros m4_map_sep and m4_mapall_sep additionally expand separator between invocations of macro.

Note that separator is expanded, unlike in m4_join. When separating output with commas, this means that the map result can be used as a series of arguments, by using a single-quoted comma as separator, or as a single string, by using a double-quoted comma.

m4_map([m4_count], [])
m4_map([ m4_count], [[],
                     [[1], [2]]])
⇒ 1 2
m4_mapall([ m4_count], [[],
                        [[1], [2]]])
⇒ 0 1 2
m4_map_sep([m4_eval], [,], [[[1+2]],
                            [[10], [16]]])
m4_map_sep([m4_echo], [,], [[[a]], [[b]]])
m4_count(m4_map_sep([m4_echo], [,], [[[a]], [[b]]]))
m4_map_sep([m4_echo], [[,]], [[[a]], [[b]]])
m4_count(m4_map_sep([m4_echo], [[,]], [[[a]], [[b]]]))
Macro: m4_map_args (macro, arg…)

Repeatedly invoke macro with each successive arg as its only argument. In the following example, three solutions are presented with the same expansion; the solution using m4_map_args is the most efficient.

m4_define([active], [ACTIVE])dnl
m4_foreach([var], [[plain], [active]], [ m4_echo(m4_defn([var]))])
⇒ plain active
m4_map([ m4_echo], [[[plain]], [[active]]])
⇒ plain active
m4_map_args([ m4_echo], [plain], [active])
⇒ plain active

In cases where it is useful to operate on additional parameters besides the list elements, the macro m4_curry can be used in macro to supply the argument currying necessary to generate the desired argument list. In the following example, list_add_n is more efficient than list_add_x. On the other hand, using m4_map_args_sep can be even more efficient.

m4_define([list], [[1], [2], [3]])dnl
m4_define([add], [m4_eval(([$1]) + ([$2]))])dnl
dnl list_add_n(N, ARG...)
dnl Output a list consisting of each ARG added to N
[m4_shift(m4_map_args([,m4_curry([add], [$1])], m4_shift($@)))])dnl
list_add_n([1], list)
list_add_n([2], list)
[m4_shift(m4_foreach([var], m4_dquote(m4_shift($@)),
list_add_x([1], list)
Macro: m4_map_args_pair (macro, [macro-end = macro]

arg…) For every pair of arguments arg, invoke macro with two arguments. If there is an odd number of arguments, invoke macro-end, which defaults to macro, with the remaining argument.

m4_map_args_pair([, m4_reverse], [], [1], [2], [3])
⇒, 2, 1, 3
m4_map_args_pair([, m4_reverse], [, m4_dquote], [1], [2], [3])
⇒, 2, 1, [3]
m4_map_args_pair([, m4_reverse], [, m4_dquote], [1], [2], [3], [4])
⇒, 2, 1, 4, 3
Macro: m4_map_args_sep ([pre], [post], [sep], arg…)

Expand the sequence pre[arg]post for each argument, additionally expanding sep between arguments. One common use of this macro is constructing a macro call, where the opening and closing parentheses are split between pre and post; in particular, m4_map_args([macro], [arg]) is equivalent to m4_map_args_sep([macro(], [)], [], [arg]). This macro provides the most efficient means for iterating over an arbitrary list of arguments, particularly when repeatedly constructing a macro call with more arguments than arg.

Macro: m4_map_args_w (string, [pre], [post], [sep])

Expand the sequence pre[word]post for each word in the whitespace-separated string, additionally expanding sep between words. This macro provides the most efficient means for iterating over a whitespace-separated string. In particular, m4_map_args_w([string], [action(], [)]) is more efficient than m4_foreach_w([var], [string], [action(m4_defn([var]))]).

Macro: m4_shiftn (count, …)
Macro: m4_shift2 (…)
Macro: m4_shift3 (…)

m4_shiftn performs count iterations of m4_shift, along with validation that enough arguments were passed in to match the shift count, and that the count is positive. m4_shift2 and m4_shift3 are specializations of m4_shiftn, introduced in Autoconf 2.62, and are more efficient for two and three shifts, respectively.

Macro: m4_stack_foreach (macro, action)
Macro: m4_stack_foreach_lifo (macro, action)

For each of the m4_pushdef definitions of macro, expand action with the single argument of a definition of macro. m4_stack_foreach starts with the oldest definition, while m4_stack_foreach_lifo starts with the current definition. action should not push or pop definitions of macro, nor is there any guarantee that the current definition of macro matches the argument that was passed to action. The macro m4_curry can be used if action needs more than one argument, although in that case it is more efficient to use m4_stack_foreach_sep.

Due to technical limitations, there are a few low-level m4sugar functions, such as m4_pushdef, that cannot be used as the macro argument.

m4_pushdef([a], [1])m4_pushdef([a], [2])dnl
m4_stack_foreach([a], [ m4_incr])
⇒ 2 3
m4_stack_foreach_lifo([a], [ m4_curry([m4_substr], [abcd])])
⇒ cd bcd
Macro: m4_stack_foreach_sep (macro, [pre], [post], [sep])
Macro: m4_stack_foreach_sep_lifo (macro, [pre], [post], [sep])

Expand the sequence pre[definition]post for each m4_pushdef definition of macro, additionally expanding sep between definitions. m4_stack_foreach_sep visits the oldest definition first, while m4_stack_foreach_sep_lifo visits the current definition first. This macro provides the most efficient means for iterating over a pushdef stack. In particular, m4_stack_foreach([macro], [action]) is short for m4_stack_foreach_sep([macro], [action(], [)]).

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